
Personal Injury

Car Accidents

Car Accident Lawyers in the Huntington, WV, Area

Experienced Lawyer Serving Huntington, West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky's Surrounding Areas

Many of us get into cars multiple times every day — but what if you don’t get out again safely? If you’ve been in a serious car crash, you probably need help covering all the costs to deal with the aftermath.

You shouldn’t have to cover these costs on your own if the accident wasn’t your fault. Instead, contact Kenneth P. Hicks L.C.Attorneys at Law, in Huntington, WV. Our team of car accident lawyers and experienced paralegal staff can help you receive the compensation you need to heal.

Win Your Compensation

Serious car accidents can change your life forever. In the immediate aftermath, you have to deal with paying medical bills, taking time off work to rest and recover, and the pain and suffering that comes with traumatic injuries. In the long term, you may need continuing medical treatment or therapy — and even with the best of help, some injuries never fully heal.

If the car accident that hurt you wasn’t your fault, you should not be responsible for covering these costs. Instead, put the costs on the responsible party so you can focus on recovering.

However, don’t try to get compensation on your own. Personal injury law is complex and technical, and your compensation is too important to leave to chance. Instead, rely on the expert services of Kenneth P. Hicks L.C., Attorneys at Law. Our team is experienced with car crash cases, and we know exactly what to do to get the best outcome possible.
car accident

Get Legal Help

Our firm is led by Kenneth P. Hicks himself, who has served clients in West Virginia since 1988. You can count on our legal team to understand your needs and fight for you, whether the case ends in a settlement or goes to court.

To set up a free consultation about your car accident case, call us at 304-525-3201 today. We look forward to helping you with your case.